Should You Consider a Fireplace Insert?
A fireplace insert is a gas fireplace that’s installed inside of a previously existing fireplace. Choosing to install an insert for your fireplace in Ramsey allows you to convert your wood-burning fireplace into a clean and efficient gas-burning one.
It’s common for homeowners to have a gorgeous fireplace that’s left unused even through the frigid winter months. This is often because wood-burning fireplaces are messy and inefficient compared to turning up the thermostat. Gas-burning fireplace inserts turn on with a flip of a switch and require less maintenance than those fueled by wood. Fireplace inserts are stylish and can save you money on your monthly electric bill, increasing your fireplace’s efficiency by as much as 80%.
Fireplace inserts release far fewer wood-burning emissions, making them environmentally friendly, as well as an efficient heat source for your home. KJB Fireplaces specializes in fireplace insert installation in Ramsey. Our experienced professionals can help you enjoy having a fireplace again.